Clothing,  My Blog,  Sewing

McCall’s 8029 Work In Progress Thoughts and Photographs

Well, I’m in the process of making McCall’s 8029 and, even though I would like to make a YouTube video about how I made this pattern, I wanted to sit down and write a post about my sewing progress.

McCall’s 8029 is a sewing pattern that makes a cape and belt. I decided to make the cape and belt out of two different fabric designs, using a black and white fleece for the main body and grey fleece for the hood, belt, and contrasting parts of the cape. Here’s what it looks like so far…

I need to add the facing and finish the belt as well as the belt holes. After they are done I’ll be done with the cape!

Even though this pattern is fairly easy to make, I ran into problems. The instructions that didn’t explain everything I wanted to know about assembling the pattern. I was able to assemble the pattern anyway, but I cannot say if the reason why I had problems is because the instructions are not as clear as I wanted them to be or I was just too tired and focused on other things to pay attention. I’m leaning towards the instructions are not a clear as I want them to be, but I’ll make a final verdict once I’m finished making the cape.

Also, there is the length discrepancy on the side sleeve seam…

This length discrepancy made me very upset. I honestly believed I sewed the front section of the cape wrong, so I ripped it off, sewed it back on, realized I had it sewn right the first time, ripped if off again, and sewed it on the right way with the same exact problem with the length discrepancy. I trimmed the longest length of the sleeve off after I took the photographs I used in this post. I’m not sure if I will need to trim more off the cape, but I’m accepting the fact I need to do it because not all the pieces fit perfectly.

Well, that’s all for now! Thank you for reading!

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